Tuesday, 11 February 2025

In Loving Memory

Dear Milo, 

I didn’t know it was your last week. Your last day. The last few hours. If I did, I would have kept you home and not taken you to the vet for the tests that led to the end. I would have held you tight and not handed you over. 

But I think what happened would have happened anyway. And I’m glad you were not alone. I’m glad we were at the vet and they could help even though it was limited and couldn’t save you. I’m glad you were not alone at night or when we were out. I’m glad I was holding you as you crossed over. I hope you know I was holding you, talking to you, and Daddy was rubbing your little head. I hope you know you were not alone. 

We didn’t know how icky you were. And even if we did, there was nothing that could be done to help you. Maybe it’s better we didn’t know. But I’m sorry you carried your secret alone my dear boy. And I’m sorry for all the needle sticks and meds in your last two weeks. All the prodding and poking broke my heart but you were such a little champ. Well done my little one. 

Thank you my boy for being the most precious bunny that there ever was. The perfect mix of sweet and sassy. We are so glad you came to live with us and we wouldn’t change anything about you. You brought us so much joy and taught me so much about love, trust and forgiveness. Earning the trust of a bunny is the most beautiful thing. Thank you for loving and trusting us. You have spoiled us for any future bun or pet. 

The house is so very empty and quiet without you. For a small bunny and quiet animal, you sure took up a lot of space lol. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. It was so very hard picking up all your things. The house is so very empty. 

We miss your dramatic tunnel entries, hearing you munch on your rau muong, seeing your happiness when fresh veggies arrive and especially carrot treats, checking in on you and finding you completely passed out sleeping like you are dead giving me a small panic attack each time. They way you would koppie bump us as you hopped passed. Your happy binkies and zoomies in active hour. The way you would cuddle us on the big bed, your precious kisses and how you would get so relaxed you would fall asleep with us and snorkle. How you would dig on the bed, chew the blankets, and play with your toys. You were so patient when I brushed you and when we trimmed your nails. The goodest boy. How you would show your displeasure and grunt at us and dig on your food. The softness of your fur and finding it everywhere. Your lion mane that made you look like a punk. Finding your whiskers. Seeing you lying long bunny, a loaf, or splooting. Walking past and rubbing your little head while you snoozled in your tunnel and seeing how much pleasure it brought you. We think you were a happy bun and you knew you were loved and that brings us comfort.

We will love and miss you forever my dear boy. You will forever live in our hearts. We had you cremated and one day we will plant you in the garden with a flowering plant, maybe a rose or something. For now you are at home here with us and it comforts us. 

I know you are in heaven now. I know you have found Grandpa and all the pets that have gone before. You are perfect and whole and will never be sick again. And I know we will see you again. Until then. 

Thank you my darling boy for everything. Binky free, eat all the carrots, and be happy.

Love, Mommy and Daddy xxx