Friday 19 August 2011

One Lovely Blog

Our friend Belinda Chaplin recently nominated us for a One Lovely Blog award. Thanks Belinda!

To participate, we have to:
- Thank the person who nominated us
- Nominate other deserving blogs to pass the award on to and let them know
- Share 7 random facts about ourselves

We don’t follow that many blogs so the only one we are nominating for the One Lovely Blog award is Lisa’s Living-Laughing-Loving London! ( We met Lisa during our Contiki ski week in Hopfgarten in February. She is from Australia and is doing the 2 year work-holiday visa thing in London. We love your blog Lisa! Keep up the good work! Looks like you are enjoying the European trip with your parents =)

The other blog we would nominate is Belinda’s blog but since she nominated us I’m not sure if that is allowed, lol. But check it out anyway ( We know Belinda from our church in Cape Town and she is doing a great job spreading the word in Banja Luka, Bosnia. Keep blogging Belinda, we love seeing what you have been up to!

Now for 7 random facts about us:

1) This is the first 'summer' we have ever spent entirely in jeans, takkies and fleece tops! How sad.

2) The sun is setting at least an hour earlier than it was about a month ago, sad news indeed. At the time of the solstice it was still light-ish at 22:45! =) But now it is quite dark at 21:30 =( It is also darker later in the mornings. It feels as though summer is almost over before it has even begun.

3) We recently started taking vitamin B and Echinacea tablets. Initially I was sceptical but this is the first week of work that I don’t feel like a sleepy zombie on a Friday night! I am a convert =)

4) Since the arrival of the iPad2 into our lives, Justin has become a complete Angry Birds addict! Bron's chicktionary addiction is mild in comparison.

5) We are not really huge TV watching people but since our rent includes cable TV we have recently become fans of several TV shows. Our faves at the moment are Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, Top Gear, Master Chef and NCIS. Fortunately for us most programs are in English with Dutch subtitles =) Something to keep us company in the long grey winter. Our other project for the winter time is to put together a photo album of our European holiday. 

6) Someone tried to steal Bron’s bicycle from Delft train station last night! Kan jy glo. Feeling super bleak! Generally we feel pretty safe here but bicycles are easy targets for drug addicts with a habit to support… Proof that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

7) There is a special on train tickets to anywhere in Belgium at the moment so we are going to Brussels for the day tomorrow! Yay!

Hope you are well and have a kewl weekend! See you soon for a post on Brussels!



  1. *CoNgRaTs* on your 'One Lovely Blog Award' and passing it on ... I can think of a few bits to add to your 'random facts' list .. hhmmm... 'the amount of shoes we own springs to mind!' .. he he he ... Great work guys!! Keep them coming!! .. (Sorry to hear about the bike Bron, glad they didn't get it!)

  2. .. WOW! and 3,850 page views!! .. NICE!
