Tuesday 15 November 2011

Love Packs!

We have been really blessed with so many parcels and goodies from family and friends at home this year and we just want to say thank you! We love getting parcels from home and it has helped to get us through our first year away from home =)

Some of the goodies we have received this year include:
- Milo, rusks, an awesome woollen coat, much missed bodywash and sunlight washing powder from Bron's Mom
- Lots of photo's of Bron's niece and other family  in the post from Bron's Dad
- Our feather duvet, Tresemme shampoo, quite a few pairs of Clarks shoes and a decent supply of Sudafed to get us through the winter from Bron's sister Michelle in the UK. But you guys forgot the biltong! Epic fail. 
- Germolene and sweet basil from Kirsty
- A copy of my phd thesis from Rob & Sue (via Kirsty)
- Milo, germolene and gifts from Justin's brother Brenainn and his wife Kirsten (via Laura)
- Gifts from Justin's parents (via Laura)

Thank you so much to everyone who has brought stuff over for us! It has been great to get so many love packs from home and we really appreciate it! Clearly the 'we are missing' list on the blog has had an impact! I must update it '~)

On Sunday evening we went through to Amsterdam to meet our friend Laura Peinke who was here on business. It was so nice to see you Lau and thanks for bringing gifts from the family for us! We had a really nice time catching up with Laura over traditional Dutch pancakes! Too yummy. 

We have been good and not opened the pressies yet! We are guessing that they are for Christmas but since we won't be here for Christmas we might open them on Sinterklaas. We saw Christmas trees in the shops already and are so going to get one this weekend and set it up already! lol. Thanks Mum and Dad & Bren and Kirst for the gifts! Feeling spoilt and loved =)

In other news Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands this past Saturday. Sinterklaas is on the 5th of December but he arrives 3 weeks before and goes around the Netherlands visiting different towns. He arrives by boat in a different town each year, this year it was Dordrecht's turn. We are really enjoying the different Sinterklaas treats such as kruidnoten, pepernoten, and gevulde spekulaas. Think mini-ginger biscuits, mini-aniseed biscuits and a thick layer of marzipan sandwiched between two spekulaas biscuits. Mc Donald's has brought out a kruidnoten McFlurry, need to try one! But more about Sinterklaas on 5 December! 

It has suddenly cooled down here and this morning was the first day of frost on the ground. It is usually very misty in the morning which makes it seriously cold! My bicycle that lives at Delft Station was frozen over this morning; there was ice on the seat, handlebars and tyres. My bum was not pleased! And I'm sure there will be more of that to come. Oh yay. 

Anywho. Have a good week and catch you on the weekend! 

Pancakes in Amsterdam with Laura!
Bron had hawain, Laura had apples & nuts with whipped cream and Justin had cherries & liqueur with whipped cream. Too decadent! 

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